The Beauty of the First Look

April 21, 2023

So, what’s all this buzz about “first look”? It’s become so popular among modern couples that at Hera’s Haven, we even have a beautiful “Primera Vista” (literally “first view”) site. But why?

Traditionally, a lot of couples have gotten that first glimpse of each other in their wedding attire as the bride makes her way down the aisle. And let’s be clear right off the bat, the most important thing to remember is that the wedding day should be arranged exactly the way the couple desires. Don’t feel pressure to do a first look just because it’s trending. If you’ve always had your heart set on that special walking down the aisle moment, by all means, hold onto your dream!

However, many modern couples are opting for a first look event both for romantic and practical reasons. If you are entertaining the idea of first look photography, Waxahachie-based photographer Michelle Grace shares a few of the benefits:

  1. The photographer is able to capture that special moment without a lot of onlookers. Both bride and groom can get jitters waiting to see each other walking down the aisle, and the first look helps ease some of that nervous energy.
  2. A first look allows for a special private moment, when it’s just the two of you. During the entire wedding ceremony and reception, the couple is surrounded by large groups of people. The first look is a beautifully intimate moment just for the two of you to share and savor.  
  3. The photographer is able to capture those first emotions more fully, since they aren’t concerned about capturing the entire wedding processional in that moment. They can easily and quickly move around to capture both the groom’s and bride’s individual reactions, with no background distractions in the photos.
  4. First looks can be for family members and wedding party, too. Today it’s almost as popular to do a first look with your father and/or brothers as it is with your fiancé. Sometimes brides also like to get a first look with their bridesmaids – those shots make for lots of tears and hugs!

No matter when you decide to have that special initial glimpse of one another on your wedding day, Hera’s Haven is ready to help make your dreams come true. Whether you create a first look moment in front of the secluded Guatemalan-style wooden doors and beautiful stone backdrop of Primavera Vista or another of our abundant photo op locations – or treasure the moment walking down the aisle towards flower-laden Arches or the charming Chapel, we are devoted to making your wedding day spectacular. 

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